
Coronavirus Announcement & Updates

NY Medical Skin Solutions would like you to know that we are taking all necessary measures to protect our patients and staff from the spread of the Coronavirus. Our offices remain open during our regular business hours. We are also offering Virtual Visits. All of our professional staff members pride ourselves in keeping a clean practice.

We are taking the following measures and ask our patients to participate:

  1. NYMSS is conducting daily cleaning and disinfecting routines including sanitation of all surfaces and doorknobs.
  2. NYMSS staff is required to regularly wash hands and stay home if they are experience any potential symptoms of illness.
  3. Patients are reminded to wash your hands frequently
  4. Patients are asked to refrain from coming into the office if they have symptoms of any form of illness.

It is so extremely important to us and our community that we all do our part. We will continue to keep you informed. Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Our patients and community health are our top priority.

To learn more, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.

NY Medical Skin Solutions