Medical Dermatology
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Rosacea is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease that affects the face, and the eyes. Initially it often begins as sensitive and fragile skin that is prone to redness and flushing. The red flush gradually spreads across the center of the face including the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. Rosacea can also spread to the ears, chest and back. Rosacea means “rose colored” and is also called acne rosacea. Over time the redness and flushing become permanent, while other symptoms flare and remit.
Rosacea affects a person’s quality of life including frustration, embarrassment, low self-esteem and confidence, problems at work and at home, anxiety and depression especially related to the belief by others that you may have a drinking problem because you flush and have other rosacea symptoms.
Rosacea is a chronic disease that flares up and remits for weeks or months at a time, affecting your quality of life. Treatment can control and improve the condition and your quality of life.
Famous faces with rosacea include Princess Diana, Mariah Carey, Cynthia Nixon, Renee Zellweger, Cameron Diaz, Prince William, Prince Harry, William Shatner, WC Fields, Rembrandt, and President Bill Clinton.
52% of patients report that another family member has rosacea. Lifestyle and environmental factors can cause and trigger this condition. Every patient has specific triggers that are unique to them. Common triggers are things that increase blood flow to the skin’s surface including:
There are no diagnostic medical tests. Dr. Saini will examine your skin and eyes, review your medical history, and ask you questions about symptoms and possible triggers and whether you have a family member with the same signs and symptoms or a diagnosis of rosacea. If she has a concern that your symptoms may be caused by another condition, she may order tests to rule out those conditions. Then she will create a treatment plan just for you.
Although science has not yet discovered the causes of rosacea, and the disease is incurable, treatments can control and prevent worsening of this condition. Importantly, Dr. Saini will ask about potential triggers and discuss how you can avoid flares. Additionally, the sensitive skin of rosacea must be protected from the sun 24/7, and how to treat skin irritation.
Treatments include:
When you or a loved one is suffering with medical skin condition, Dr. Ritu Saini is the medical dermatologist of choice for those in the greater New York region. She is a nationally and internationally respected dermatologist and researcher. Contact Dr. Saini at New York Medical Skin Solutions to schedule a consultation to receive the correct diagnosis and treatments.
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